Appraisal Service
Providing an accurate silver appraisal is not limited to book smarts alone. There are many considerations to take into account when evaluating silver. Proper identification of silver hallmarks is crucial when placing values on silver antiques. The last thing you want to happen when having an appraisal done is "miss the mark". Improperly identifying a hallmark can be the difference in a silver piece appraising for hundreds of dollars to the actual value being thousands of dollars.

Our knowledge of a silver item's method of construction and material composition adds another layer of facts to ensure the appropriate Era, country, and maker is identified. When hiring Zapffe Silversmiths for a silver evaluation, our 99 years expertise in selling Antique silver and performing silver restoration gives our clients the assurance the appraisal is done right.
The silver market at the present time is experiencing rising prices and radical fluctuations. The precious metals market has not been this volatile since the 1980's making it a wise decision to have an appraisal done or updated to reflect the increase of material value. Silver appraisals are done by appointment only and are billed on an hourly basis. Please contact us by phone at 1-800-544-9313 or fill out our contact email form.